Alessia-Ottavia Cozzi
Si occupa di interazione tra sistemi di tutela dei diritti, costituzionale, CEDU e dell’Unione europea, di dimensione sociale europea, con la monografia Diritti e principi sociali nella Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell’Unione europea. Profili costituzionali, e di patrimonio culturale. Attualmente insegna Legislazione dei beni culturali e Tutela dei diritti fondamentali nello spazio pubblico interno ed europeo.
Alessia-Ottavia Cozzi is Assistant Professor in Public Law (Tenure Track) at the Department of Law, University of Udine, Italy.
She has a PhD in Constitutional Law from the University of Ferrara, has been post doc fellow at the University of Trieste and full researcher at the National Research Agency Area Science Park, Italy.
She has a deep experience on the interrelation between EU, ECHR and Constitutional Fundamental Rights and on the European Social Dimension.
She published a book on Social Rights and Principles under the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.
A Constitutional Perspective, and several articles.
She currently teaches courses on Cultural Heritage Law and Fundamental Rights in the National and Supranational Dimension.