Anna Maria Lecis Cocco Ortu

Anna Maria Lecis Cocco Ortu


Professoressa associata di Diritto pubblico a Sciences Po Bordeaux, le sue ricerche portano principalmente sulla giustizia costituzionale – italiana, francese e comparata – e sulla protezione dei diritti, con particolare attenzione per la partecipazione di amici curiae al giudizio costituzionale, le “strategic litigation” e il rapporto tra le corti e la società.


Anna Maria Lecis Cocco Ortu is Associate Professor in Public Law at Sciences Po Bordeaux (France), where she teaches French Public Law, Comparative Constitutional Law and Italian Constitutional Law.

Her research interests mainly focus on constitutional justice and judicial protection of fundamental rights, with particular attention to judicial reasoning and motivation and to the participation of amicus curiae and third-parties in public interest litigation.

She is a member of the Editorial Board of the French review La lettre d’Italie and the Italian review GenIUS-Juridical Studies on Sexual Orientation and Gender and Section Editor of the Italian review Quaderni Costituzionali and the French review Annuaire International de Justice Constitutionnelle-AIJC.